Dr Lara Zib

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Proven mindset shifts to end your negative self talk forever

Do you ever say these kinds of phrases to yourself?

I can’t believe it, I never do anything right

I keep missing my run in the morning, I’ll never get fit

I just don’t have self control over what I eat

Your internal self-talk is just a story: it’s just a story that you’ll never get fit, healthy or always have no self-control.

In this blog I explain how your inner stories and thoughts create your reality. If your stories are negative, this can stop you transforming your health. I’ll give you proven mindset shifts to end your negative self talk for good.

Do you realise how negative you are to yourself?

There was a time when the constant mental chatter in my head went something like this:

Ergh, I’m so fat in this. I always look crap in these clothes.  I’ll never get this done. I’ll never build a successful business.  I’m never going to be able to compete and win in this competition.

Oh dear! Words have such a powerful effect on us….

Here are the mindset techniques I’ve used to address this over the years…

#1 Acknowledge the negative self talk

Notice what you are saying to yourself.  Most people don’t realise what they are saying to themselves, unaware of the chatter inside their heads… the constant put downs, negativity, the snarls… The “I’m so useless, I look so fat, I’ll never get fit”.

Are you aware?

So firstly, notice what you are saying, acknowledge it without judgement.

#2 Breathe

Next, breathe. Deep slow breaths breaths promote feelings of calm and relaxation… Basically when you breath deeply you allow more oxygen into your body which helps you relax, improves circulation, and lowers your blood pressure.

Close your eyes if it helps.

#3 Release what you don’t want – exhale limitations

Whilst breathing you can exhale out the limitations… think of yourself breathing away any of the negative self-talk.

#4 Be kind.

 Would you speak like that to a loved one – a friend, your partner, your colleague? If not, don’t say it to yourself.

#5 Find new words and phrases more aligned with who you want to be

Here I totally recommend affirmations, which you can craft around any area of your life. How about some of these?

I am doing my very best

I believe in myself

I am worthy

Today is a great day

I am filled with energy and vitality.

Imagine these were the kinds of words you had on repeat?

#6 Use the MAGIC word “yet”.

If you are struggling with your new affirmations, how about turning those negative phrases into something that’s positive? Rather than “I am rubbish at jogging, I’ll never get fit”, how about "I’m not great at jogging YET… I can’t run 5 miles YET… I can’t cook a meal from scratch YET"

That magic little word gives our brains something positive to focus on – it’s called hope.