Dr Lara Zib

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How to Trust Yourself Around Food Again

How many times have you found yourself thinking you can’t trust yourself around ice cream, chocolates, or cookies? Or worse - feeling like you can't keep these foods in the house because they might trigger a binge.

Maybe you’ve even stopped buying these foods altogether. Or you've told your whole family to keep them out of the house.

I know this might seem counterintuitive, but here's the thing:

The reason you can’t trust yourself around these foods is because you’re currently not allowing yourself to have them.

Trust doesn’t come from hiding binge foods.

It comes from:

  • Exposing yourself to that food.

  • Not labelling that food as “bad.”

The more you allow yourself to have these foods, the less appealing they become.

Think about it…

If you ate ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a whole week, you’d grow tired of it, wouldn’t you? Eventually, you’d start craving something green.

That’s how exposure works!

The key is to take the power away from these foods. By labelling them as forbidden, you’re giving them way more power than they deserve. But when you allow yourself to eat the “forbidden” foods they eventually lose their allure.

Start small.

Bring those feared foods back into your home. Allow yourself to have a piece of chocolate or a scoop of ice cream. Preferably alongside another meal.

Do it mindfully. Enjoy it. Notice how it tastes, how it feels. And then move on with your day. The more you practice this, the more you’ll see that you can trust yourself around these foods.

When you stop labelling foods as “good” or “bad” and start listening to your body’s cues, you’ll find that you don’t need to fear these foods anymore. They just become... food.

Rebuilding trust with food is a journey. It involves patience and self-compassion. Remind yourself that it’s okay to enjoy the foods you love.

Remember, the goal isn’t to eat ice cream for every meal forever. It’s to understand that you can enjoy it without guilt, knowing that you have the power to choose what feels good for your body.

💚 Dr. Lara

PS - Do you struggle with this? I can help you build that trust again - why not start by watching this free training to end the cycle of binges & eating chaos.