I’ll help you break the binge cycle to create a nourishing relationship with food and unshakeable body confidence.

I’m Lara, the Food Freedom Psychologist.

Ready to rewrite your relationship with food?


75% of high achieving, professional women have a complicated relationship with food.

If you’re here, I’m guessing you might be one of them.

Endless diets, counting calories, healthy eating plans, cleanses and detoxes at one end, bingeing, emotional eating, overeating and feeling wildly out of control around food at the other end.

These are the symptoms of a generation of women who’ve been brought up to stress about their food choices and how they look in the mirror.

You’re a smart, high achiever and my guess is that you’ve been really successful in your career, relationships… so why do you feel so out of control when it comes to what you eat and how you look?

If you are frustrated with the struggle and ready to make a change, then you’re in the right place.

As your Coach…

I’ll help you regain control of your eating habits and improve body confidence. You’ll feel total peace and calm around food, knowing how to eat in a nourishing way so that you can show up confidently in all areas of life.

We’ll use…

A powerful combination of psychology, mindset and nutrition science to uncover what’s keeping you stuck. By the end of our time together, you’ll feel body confident, and have healthy habits around eating, movement and self-care.

Ready to rewrite your relationship with food and body image? How about booking a (free) 30 minute call to discover what’s holding you back and create a personalised roadmap towards food and body freedom?


Hey there! I'm Dr Lara Zibarras, the food freedom psychologist and an eating disorder recovery coach.

My journey with disordered eating and struggle with negative body image led me to specialise in helping high achievers - like you - break free from the chaos of their relationship with food.

I understand first-hand how this struggle impacts so much more than just eating - it affects relationships, work and career, stopping you from fully showing up in life.

My mission is to help you go from a place of chaos and feeling out of control, to feeling totally in charge and confident around food.

Armed with a PhD in Psychology, certified as a Nutrition & Wellness Coach specialising in Intuitive Eating, and a Diploma in Eating Disorder Practitioner Skills, I use a powerful blend of psychology, mindset and nutrition science to guide you towards lasting change.

You’ll learn how to take charge of your eating habits, to break free from bingeing, emotional eating, overeating, and purging. You’ll feel peace and calm around food, learning how to eat for energy and vitality to confidently thrive in all areas of life.

green heart
Working with Lara has been so transformational - it was exactly what I needed to truly achieve food freedom and body acceptance. Releasing body shame has been so powerful and life changing for me as it’s really helped with my body acceptance, body image and loving myself.
— Steph
I have been a serial unsuccessful dieter for at least 20 years so started with lots of bad habits and negative self talk. I have loved working on the mindset and changing my habits. I love that the theory is backed up by research and evidence... started to see results in the sense of less cravings
— Becca

Dr. Lara Zibarras, as seen in…