Hey gorgeous! I know you’re a smart, savvy high achiever…
But your chaotic relationship with food is holding you back.
The thing is, being out of control around food impacts so much more than just eating. It impacts your relationships, work and your body image. It stops you from fully showing up in your life.
If you’re honest, you feel like a pendulum swinging from restricting and trying to be healthy at one end, to bingeing everything in sight at the other.
Plus you’ve got an endless list of “naughty” food that gets more tempting by the day and the blow-outs get more frenzied. Cue guilt, shame and self-loathing - again. You feel like you’re at breaking point - something has to change.
I can totally empathise…
What would I know about your food & body struggles?
I’ve spent most of my adult life with a very negative relationship with food.
Intense diets. Rigid healthy eating plans. Extreme restrictions. Bingeing. Emotional Eating. Purging. Bulimia. Orthorexia. Avoiding social events because I was scared of food. Gorging at the buffet table. Detoxing. Being sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free. Falling off the wagon countless times.
Food used to be my enemy - there were daily battles with food, calories, the bathroom scales, and an intense self-loathing when I looked in the mirror.
After 20 years, I was exhausted. For too long I’d felt wild and out of control. So I started to research. I was a psychologist after all...
I discovered the science and psychology behind the negative spiral of food struggles, out-of-control binges, and the impact of diet culture.
Then I did the training - health & nutrition coaching, intuitive eating, and eating disorder recovery.
It finally made sense and I learned that it’s possible to tune into your body and eat in a way that’s healthy, but not restrictive, nutritious and satisfying.
Today, I’ve now had the honour of helping people like you go from chaos to calm around food. I run 1:1, group coaching and online courses support you in healing your relationship with food.
As your coach, I can help you finally find peace, to feel in charge around food and confident in your body.
If you’d like my support, there are 2 ways to get started…
Who do I work with?
I specialise in helping people with all kinds of disordered eating, eating disorders, and body image issues. Whether you have been struggling with emotional or binge eating, purging, restricting, or negative body image, we will work together to rebuild a positive relationship with you, food and your body.
What background & training do I have?
I’m the food freedom psychologist and an eating disorder recovery coach. I combine a background in psychology and training in nutrition, intuitive eating, and eating disorders to help you heal your relationship with food and body image.
I have a PhD in Psychology (BSc, MSc, PhD), I’m a Certified Nutrition & Wellness Coach, trained in Intuitive Eating and have an Advanced Diploma in Eating Disorders & Nutritional Interventions. My personal experiences have also shaped my approach.
My Official Bio
Dr. Lara Zibarras is a Psychologist and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach, known as the Food Freedom Psychologist. After spending her 20s and 30s battling food anxieties and disordered eating, finding food freedom was life-changing. Now, Lara is on a mission to help women break free from chaotic, out-of-control eating patterns to feel confident and empowered around food.
She uses a powerful blend of psychology, mindset work, and nutrition science to support her clients in making mindful food choices and building body confidence. Through her 1:1 coaching, group membership, and online courses, she guides women to find health without obsession and rediscover the joy of eating.
Lara’s work has been featured in Tiny Buddha, Complete Wellbeing, Pick the Brain, Your Tango, A Lust for Life and more.
10 random facts about me
I grew up in Nairobi, Kenya
Watamu in Kenya (by the ocean) is one of my favourite places on Earth
I live in London with two kids, my husband and a cat
My favourite way to move my body is Reformer Pilates
I LOVE reading and always welcome a good book recommendation (if you have any, let me know!)
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2020
My daughter - Xanthe - is a big reason why I stopped dieting
Alongside my food freedom work I’m an Associate Professor at a University teaching MSc-level Psychology and I’ve published over 30 articles and written 3 books (you can check me out on Google scholar for a laugh)
I was very sporty as a kid, and captained my hockey and cricket teams
I love Spring sunshine on my face
The information provided on my website should not be a substitute for advice from your GP or wellbeing practitioner. The advice you will find is based on my personal experience, my training & expertise and research evidence (and I will provide relevant links).
However, I am not a medically trained doctor. The Dr. in front of my name comes from my PhD in psychology.