Courses & resources to support your healing journey

Emotional Eating Freedom Method [Toolkit] - £17

Real talk: Finally breaking free from the cycle of emotional eating shouldn’t be such a struggle - constantly second-guessing whether you should really be eating this food *right now* and then eating past the point of fullness - again.

In fact, it should be effortless - to know when you’re hungry and stop eating when you’re full.

Imagine completely changing your relationship with food so that you no longer drown your emotions with ice-cream and instead you’re confidently living life guilt-free and without restricting or bingeing.

That’s exactly what you can expect from the Emotional Eating Freedom Method Toolkit.

In 60 pages you’ll discover the exact mindset exercises, tools, techniques, strategies and journal prompts to remove the guilt and shame around your relationship with food to find peace and calm instead.

If you’re reading this thinking “umm heck YES I need this in my life”, then click below for the essential toolkit to take charge of your eating habits.

Overcome Emotional Eating [mini course] - £27

Are you stuck in the restrict-and-then-binge cycle where every emotional eating episode comes with the inevitable promise of a "better tomorrow"?

And now your out-of-control feeling around food impacts everything - it's hard to fully enjoy date nights or socialise at BBQs when you can't keep your cool around food…

Ready to finally break free from this cycle to reclaim control over your eating habits?

The Overcome Emotional Eating mini course is the ultimate way to stop the self-loathing and shame that comes every time you gorge on a mountain of chocolate and hide your food wrappers. 

This is not about “having more willpower” or another “healthy eating plan”...

…it’s about uncovering the root cause and triggers so you can free yourself from food cravings, take charge of your eating habits, escape the cycle of guilt and shame and learn how to nourish your body instead of emotional eating.

Find out all the details for overcoming emotional eating by clicking the button below

Food Freedom Matters [Self-Paced Course] - £495 or spread cost over 3 or 6 months

How many times have you thought to yourself:

I can’t believe I just ate another cookie, I’m so weak and have no willpower.

I’ll never look how I want if I keep eating like this.

I can’t wear this I look SO awful.

I have absolutely no self-control around ice-cream.

Everyone else can eat normally, why can’t I?

You’ve tried everything you can to take back control but…

  • Even though you’ve tried to be “careful”, every eating plan just makes things worse so you’re either being “good” or bingeing out of control

  • You’ve tried belly-busting tricks and burning calories, but despite trying over and over, you’re always left feeling defeated

  • Even the portion control methods and willpower don’t work - so you’re constantly battling your body’s cravings and feeling like a failure (again) 

If this is you, then it’s time to take a look at Food Freedom Matters.

A 6-week self-paced course to make peace with food & your body, combining the latest in psychology and science-backed nutrition for lasting transformation and success.

Ready to book in to completely rewrite your relationship with food and your body image?

Find out more about the course, or get started, by clicking the button below.

The Bingeing Breakthrough [£47]

Ever wish you could have someone just look at your eating [+ lifestyle] habits & tell you how to stop bingeing?

Well, here's your chance with…

💫The Bingeing Breakthrough💫

Consider it an eating and lifestyle audit where I’ll deep dive into what’s keeping you stuck right now (bingeing, overeating, emotional eating) and give you top tips to help you stop - and fast.

For just £47 you'll receive a personalised video, unpacking your eating [+ lifestyle] habits, identifying what’s holding you back - all based on a questionnaire you'll complete.

Your video will be the light bulb aha moment you’ve been waiting for - it will leave you buzzing with new ideas and make you want to watch it again (and again).

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Grab your spot now using the link below - but be quick because I’ve only got a few spaces each month.

Step 2: Fill in a quick questionnaire where I’ll ask you questions about your eating and lifestyle habits

Step 3: Within 48 hours you’ll receive a personal video where I share my screen, unpack what’s going on, and give you the best strategies to go binge-free.