My Bookshelf
This book will blow you away as it exposes all the ways that diet culture has robbed you of your time, energy and money. If you’ve ever struggled with your weight or body image, regardless of your size, you need to read this book. It’s well-researched, well-written, takes diet culture down.
Body of Truth
Our quest for thinness has turned into an obsession with weight and body image. This is the uncomfortable truth about how diet culture has you in its clutches. Every woman needs to read this book, and every mother must talk about this with her daughter(s).
Just Eat It
For anyone who is done with diet culture, this book is for you. It’s science-backed and down-to-earth. A call to free you from restrictive diets, punishing workouts and disordered eating. Ultimately, it’s about feeling good about yourself.
Body Positive Power
A beautiful book of self-love and breaking free from dieting. A book reminding us that we are all good enough, just as we are right now, inspiring, witty, and no-nonsense. Every woman should read this book.
The Gluten Lie
The book literally blows your mind. Especially if you've spent any time camped out in wellness culture. It beautifully explores the research & why we were sucked into believing untruths.
Food isn’t Medicine
Joshua is on a mission to debunk all the “nutribollocks” - and there’s a lot of it. Including the concept that food is medicine. It isn’t. This book was a huge wake up call for me and I highly recommend this one to anyone who’s on their intuitive eating and food freedom journey.
Body Happy Kids
If you are a parent, then this is a must-read! Especially given that young children are dieting and have negative body image. Give your kids the right tools to build up body resilient children.
Good Food, Bad Diet
I love Abby Langer! She’s a no nonsense registered dietitian who believes that all foods fit in a healthful approach to eating. She thinks that diets are bad and that food is good and she helps you navigate this with some fabulous tips for a healthy lifestyle.
More than a Body
Lindsay and Lexie, twins, who co-write this book draw on their extensive experience, both as researchers (with PhDs) and personal experience. They give incredible practical advice to support and build your body image resilience.
Intuitive Eating
This is the go-to book on intuitive eating - written by the very nutritionists who started the intuitive eating movement. It’s one of the best step by step guides through the 10 IE principles and really helps you make peace with food and your body.