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Getting Pregnant Spiraled Me Into An Eating Disorder
As it turns out, the pregnancies I had in my 30s triggered a new eating disorder. Only this time it was more insidious because I had no idea that what I was doing could be disordered…
(Guest Post on Your Tango)
5 important things I've learnt since I recovered from bulimia
I started dieting when I was just 16 years old. A combination of being bullied at my previous school, along with some unsolicited comments about my body, sent me into a negative downward tailspin of hating my body. It was back in the days before social media, so I grabbed all the magazines I could to learn how to change my body.
(Guest Post on A Lust for Life)
The Surprising thing I Learnt from Eating Peanut Butter & Jam on Toast.
Once upon a time, I was scared of food. Like actually scared of it. Food thoughts consumed every waking moment: Is this bad for me? Does it have too much sugar? Have I eaten too many carbs today?
(Guest Post on Elephant Journal)