The magic of the word “yet”


Have you noticed how kids get so annoyed when something doesn’t work?  “I can’t do this!” they scream in frustration.  And not just children, the frustration is real for everyone – “I don’t get it, this doesn’t make sense.”

Ever found yourself saying any of these phrases?  I know I have in the past. They’re in everyone’s vocab – too many of us are using self-defeating attitudes and negative self-talk.

You may beat yourself up (well, figuratively speaking), or truly believe what you say to yourself and then seek refuge in a glass of wine, plant yourself in front of your telly and stream the latest box set on Netflix for a whole weekend.

Your brain literally believes everything you say to it… so here’s where you use this magic little word yet.

“I don’t get it” becomes "I don't get it, yet"
"This doesn't work” becomes "This doesn't work, yet"
"I can't do this” becomes "I can't do this, yet"
"It doesn't make sense” becomes "It doesn't make sense, yet"

How different does this sound?

More importantly, your brain starts looking for ways to make your words true. I haven’t travelled anywhere exciting… yet. I haven’t found my purpose in life… yet. Adding yet at the end of sentences takes us from a fixed mind-set (I can't do this), to a growth mind-set (I can't do this, YET)...

When you keep trying, your chances of success grows. When you learn from your mistakes and you keep on going, you'll meet the goal as long as you remember the magic of YET.

Yet leaves room for change and space for improvement. Use the word YET.


Feel the fear, and do it anyway!


What makes you happy?