How to Stop binge eating with just 2 simple steps

I know what it’s like - you start eating, and then you just can’t stop. A binge eater, overeater or maybe just an emotional eater. Whatever the label you wich you could just stop binge eating.

Many people feel overwhelmed by their eating habits and perhaps a little out of control. Yet there are simple strategies you can use to regain feel in charge once again. These 2 tips that can make all the difference:

1. Use a Plate or Bowl and Cutlery

When you eat, and especially when you’re about to binge, serve your food on a plate or in a bowl and use cutlery. This may sound simple, but it’s surprisingly effective.

Eating crisps, chocolate or biscuits straight from the packet can easily lead to mindless eating [and then overeating]. You have a better chance of eating mindfully when using crockery and cutlery because you’ll eat more slowly. This gives your body time to register fullness, meaning you’re less likely to overeat.

2. Chew Your Food Well and Savour the Taste

Take your time to chew each bite thoroughly and enjoy the flavours of your food.

This simple practice can slow down your eating with two important benefits: chewing well supports digestion (which starts in the mouth) and by slowing down, you’re giving your body time to register fullness.

This gives you a better chance of stopping eating when you’re satisfied, rather than overly stuffed.

Using Pattern Interrupters…

In psychology, these strategies are known as “pattern interrupters” – techniques that disrupt automatic behaviours and habits, allowing you to make more conscious choices.

  • Breaking Automatic Habits: Many of our eating habits are automatic responses. You might be overeating simply because it has become a habit. By changing your routine—like eating off a plate and using cutlery—you break these automatic patterns.

  • Increased Awareness: Pattern interrupters force you to pay attention to what you’re doing. This increased awareness can help you make different choices about what and how much to eat.

By incorporating pattern interrupters, you can start to break the cycle of overeating and develop a more mindful relationship with food. Remember, it takes time and practice, but with consistency, you can make significant changes.

💚 Dr. Lara

PS - Do you struggle with this? I can help you - why not start by watching this free training to end the cycle of binges & eating chaos.


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