Dr Lara Zib

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Healthy chocolate

This is the perfect option if you have a sweet tooth, but don’t want to be snacking on chocolate bars all the time!  Because they are high in protein, you don’t get the blood sugar spike so you can enjoy these when feel like something sweet!


4 scoops Vanilla protein powder
4 dessert spoons coconut oil
1 dessert spoon cacao
2 dessert spoons almond, cashew or peanut butter
(optional) 1 dessert spoon maple syrup (or honey) 


Melt 2 scoops vanilla powder with 2 dessert spoons (DS) of coconut oil, and then pour a thin layer of this mixture into silicone tray moulds (I like the star shaped ones, but you can use anything!). Put in the freezer until it sets, around 10 mins.

Whilst in the freezer, melt 2 scoops vanilla protein with 2 DS coconut oil, 1 DS cacao, 2 DS nut butter and 1 DS maple syrup (to taste). 

Once the mixture in the freezer is set in the silicone moulds, take it out and pour the other warm mixture in the moulds again and pop in the freezer to set for around 10 minutes.

Once set, you can pop out of the silicone moulds and keep refrigerated.