Almond & pumpkin seed bliss balls

Almond & pumpkin seed bliss balls

These are literally bliss! Pumpkin seeds are really high in both zinc and magnesium - two minerals that many people are deficient in. So this is a blissful (!) way to top up those levels. I make these with my kids, and they love rolling them into balls (or as my daughter prefers, into pancakes). You can store them in the fridge for days, so they are a great little snack or for something with a chocolatey taste after a meal.  


50g pumpkin seeds
50g flaked almonds
100g macadamia nuts
1 TSB cacao nibs
2 scoops vanilla protein powder
1 desert spoon almond butter
1 TSB coconut oil


Put all the ingredients into a food processor and whizz up until everything is nicely mixed together and starts forming together.  

Roll the mixture into balls - about the size of small golf balls.  Pop them in the fridge to harden, and keep them stored in the fridge for a week (if they last that long!) This should make around 20 energy balls.


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