Dr Lara Zib

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Tired of second guessing every time you eat?

One thing that comes up consistently with clients is that they feel like an emotional eater. Have you ever felt this way too?

You’re tired of second-guessing every time you take a mouthful - worrying whether you should really be eating this right now.

Sick of constantly turning to food to distract yourself or soothe your feelings.

Fed up of watching your friends who seem to be in control, whilst you struggle to find the “off button” every time you reach for a bar of chocolate.

Maybe you feel like a bit of a lost cause…?

I understand what you're going through because, a few years ago, I was an emotional eater too...

When I was sad, I'd drown my emotions with ice-cream...

When I was frustrated, I'd reach for a packet of cookies...

After a stressful day at work, you'd find me munching a bag of chips to take my mind off it.

I felt miserable.

My only way of coping was to run to the fridge.

So when life got hard, or stressful, or I felt sad, I found solace in food. I didn’t know any other way.

It was only after understanding WHY I was eating emotionally (it traced back to my core beliefs and diet culture) and then learning HOW to deal with emotions differently that I was able to heal.

Fast-forward to over a decade later, and now I’m teaching people just like you to heal from emotional eating...

The thing that took me from tearing out my hair trying to stop my emotional eating...

...to feeling calm and confident around food?

I used a series of exercises, techniques and journal prompts to completely change my relationship with food.

In fact, it was so successful that I decided to turn this into a Toolkit that you can use too - The Emotional Eating Freedom Toolkit

(it really is the essential toolkit to help you take charge of your eating habits).

You'll start by understanding what is driving your emotional eating (that's key!)

Then identifying your triggers...

Only once you've done that can you start developing more balanced eating habits...

To eventually have a self-care routine & habits that don't involve running to the fridge.

If you'd like to find out more, then check out this link here.

💚 Dr. Lara