You've Just Had a Binge - Now What?

woman eating fried chicken

You’ve just had a binge - now what? You might be feeling frustrated, annoyed, angry at yourself for being here again. Perhaps a little bit ashamed that yet again you weren't able to control yourself around food.

Please know that I get it, I really do.

So many times I thought I was back on track and then BAM, seemingly out of nowhere I was having a binge.

If that’s you, then here are 3 practical ways you can get back on track:

You might want to save this post to refer to later 📌

#1 Be kind

First up, be kind and show yourself some self-compassion. On the journey towards recovery there will probably be slip-ups. You may have a few binges even if they are becoming fewer and further between.

This is really normal and it doesn't mean you've failed. It just means you're human and you're in the process of healing.

So please be kind to yourself and use #2 as a reframe.

#2 It’s a learning event

Every single binge from now onwards can be called a “learning event” - now that it’s happened, what can you learn from it?

Was it a particularly stressful day?

Did you forget to eat breakfast?

Did you get overly hungry?

Did something unusual happen?

If you can learn from the process, you’ll be better prepared for the next time.

#3 Nourish yourself

The temptation is HUGE to restrict at your next meal - or just not eat for the rest of the day, or cut back tomorrow.

Please don’t. This will only make the cycle worse. In fact, you’ll be more likely to get firmly stuck inside the binge-and-then-restrict cycle [it can be never-ending].

You’re better off eating a super nourishing meal for your next one - think protein + fibre [in the form of fruits or veg] + carbs + fat. If you want some tips on how to eat in a healthy way that doesn't include restriction, then you can check this blog post out here.

Overall, recovery can take time, so keep going and keep strong. I know you can do it.

If you'd like some extra support in recover and would like to see how I can support the process, just click here to schedule a call with me.

💚 Dr. Lara

PS You can find out more about my approach to helping you heal from binge eating, by reading this blog post here.


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