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Lara Zibarras Lara Zibarras

Research-backed advice to help you stop mindless eating

Do you skip through meals and rush through your food? Maybe you eat lunch at your desk, mindlessly munching on a sandwich whilst you catch up on emails? The problem with mindless eating is that it’s easy to disconnect from the experience making it harder to tune into your hunger and fullness signals…

(Guest Post on Complete Wellbeing)

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Orthorexia Lara Zibarras Orthorexia Lara Zibarras

4 signs you might be suffering from orthorexia nervosa

A few years back I wanted to “get healthy” and lose my baby weight. I knew I didn’t want to fad-diet-my-way to a slimmer body because that had previously been unsustainable for me, so I was looking for something different. This was when I discovered “wellness” and I jumped on the “clean eating” bandwagon…

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Food Freedom Lara Zibarras Food Freedom Lara Zibarras

4 Surprising Things I Learnt from Eating a Handful of Sweets

For five years, sweets never passed my lips. I avoided all processed sugar for the sake of my health and was determined to never ever eat sugar. I’d bought into the whole “sugar is poison” concept but never took the time to look beneath the alarming headlines about how sugar is slowly killing us all.

(Guest Post on Elephant Journal)

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Anti-diet Lara Zibarras Anti-diet Lara Zibarras

Five Reasons Why Restrictive Diets Do More Harm Than Good

If you’re anything like the vast majority of the population, you started this year with one of these goals as a top priority: “get in shape”, “lose weight”, “get fit” or “get healthy”. I get it. For the longest time my Januarys started with a rigid healthy eating plan to get back in shape and lose the holiday bulge.

(Guest Post on Pick the Brain)

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Body Image Lara Zibarras Body Image Lara Zibarras

Bikini Season used to Make me Cringe: 3 Tools for Unlearning our Feelings of Unworthiness

Around this time of year, I used to start becoming really conscious of “bikini season.” Whether I had a summer holiday booked or just the fleeting thought of getting out the summery tops, either way, I’d cringe. I knew that it was time to jump on one of my detoxes so that I could feel happier about exposing my skin.

(Guest Post on Elephant Journal)

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Food Freedom Lara Zibarras Food Freedom Lara Zibarras

Feeling guilty when you eat dessert? Here’s 3 tips to stop the food guilt

Have you ever felt guilty when you ate dessert? If you said yes, it’s no surprise – just think about the way we speak about desserts. They can be a guilty pleasure, a cheat or a treat, they are sinful. We learn how to satisfy a sweet tooth with no regret, or we learn how many minutes at the gym we need to “burn off” the calories. If you’re someone who’s felt guilty, here’s three tips to help you take the guilt – and stress – out of eating...

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Food Freedom Lara Zibarras Food Freedom Lara Zibarras

4 Things I’ll Never Say (or Do) in front of my Daughter.

When I was a child, I watched my mum dieting—a lot. It wasn’t just my mum. This was the 90s and everyone seemed to be dieting those days. Food and diets were a topic of conversation whenever my family got together, bemoaning those “last few kilos,” my aunts trying to “be good” … It was constant chatter.

(Guest Post on Elephant Journal)

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Food Freedom Lara Zibarras Food Freedom Lara Zibarras

The surprising reason for your sugar addiction

Do you feel like you’re addicted to sugar? It’s like you’ve got persistent sugar cravings and each time you start a box of chocolate you Just. Can’t. Stop. Maybe the cravings got so bad that one day you decided to banish all sugary foods from your house, or tried one of those “30 days to kick the sugar habit” diets.

(Guest Post on Complete Wellbeing)

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Lara Zibarras Lara Zibarras

How to Stop Emotional Eating and Make Peace with Food

Do emotions drive your eating? Sadness, boredom, exhaustion finds you at the bottom of a tub of ice cream, wondering how you got there. Maybe you’re so accustomed to using food to drown your feelings, that each time you’re stressed you gravitate towards food. The urge is so strong that it seems uncontrollable.

(Guest Post on Pick the Brain)

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Food Freedom, Anti-diet Lara Zibarras Food Freedom, Anti-diet Lara Zibarras

5 important things I've learnt since I recovered from bulimia

I started dieting when I was just 16 years old. A combination of being bullied at my previous school, along with some unsolicited comments about my body, sent me into a negative downward tailspin of hating my body. It was back in the days before social media, so I grabbed all the magazines I could to learn how to change my body.

(Guest Post on A Lust for Life)

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Lara Zibarras Lara Zibarras

3 important things to give up to improve your relationship with food

When you go out for a meal, are you constantly worrying about the calories, amount of carbs, or the impact of dessert on your waistline? Or are you more likely to enjoy the company and conversation over a meal, whilst hardly giving the food a second thought (except maybe to savour the taste)?

(Guest Post on The Purpose Fairy)

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