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My experience with orthorexia and journey to recovery
Have you heard of orthorexia? Maybe you’re wondering if it’s something you’re struggling with too? Here I’m sharing my raw and unfiltered journey with orthorexia. I’ll share the tell-tale signs and how my recovery unfolded.
Four tips to stop the holiday food guilt
Happy holidays! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, but can also be the most stressful when it comes to food and eating. You might be worried about all the “unhealthy” food you’ll eat, or that you might over-eat. Here’s 4 tips to take the stress out of the holiday season, and help you enjoy it, with zero guilt.
The impact of dieting and weight struggles on women
With women spending an average of 17 years of their life on a diet, we might question whether diets actually work. This research explores the experiences of women who have dieted, and in particular to understand what impact diets have had on them.
Transform a diet mentality to health-focused mindset (and feel happier)
Here I break down some common myths about dieting and show you how moving towards a health-focused mindset could be the best thing you could do for your health and happiness this year.
The shocking truth about the diet industry exposed
Diet culture is absolutely everything that has led you to being obsessed about weight. It’s the adverts, articles, programmes and everything else that gives you the idea that weight equals happiness.
So what’s so toxic about the diet industry?
Going on a diet? 4 reasons to break up with dieting in 2021
Thinking of going on a diet in 2021? Maybe you’re disgusted by the festive over indulgence ? Feeling like you want to lose the belly bulge? Here’s 4 reasons why dieting will do you more harm than good and why 2021 is the year to break up with dieting for good.
How to eat mindfully this festive season
Are you worried about over-indulging and eating too much during the festive season? Here’s 5 mindful eating tips to use whilst you are eating – to help you feel that fullness signal before you over-stuff yourself.
The science backed truth why diets fail
Did you know the average woman spends 17 years on a diet? Diets. Don’t. Work. Full stop. Dive into this if you want to know the exact reasons WHY diets fail - over and over again. And why you keep yoyo dieting, over and over again.
Diets don't work! End yoyo dieting forever
Have you been on a tonne of diets, but nothing’s worked? You’ve counted calories, you’ve weighed foods, you’ve follow celebrity diets, you’ve been off, you’ve been on… and you’re fed up! Here’s why diets don’t work and some mindset tips to end the yoyo dieting mindset forever.
Proven mindset shifts to end your negative self talk forever
Your internal self-talk is just a story: it’s just a story that you’ll never get fit, healthy or always have no self-control. If your inner stories and self-talk are negative, this can stop you transforming your health. I’ll give you proven mindset shifts to end your negative self talk for good.
Stop setting goals! Use systems and daily habits instead
Are you someone who sets goals? Have you ever been told that to improve your health, you need to have a good goal. In this blog you’ll learn exactly why these kinds of goals can hold you back and I’ll give you a different way to focus on your goals.
Feel the fear, and do it anyway!
Is there something you’re afraid of, that’s stopping you moving forward in life? Well, feel the fear and do it anyway… here we explore four Fear Truths to help you move forward…
The magic of the word “yet”
Your brain literally believes everything you say to it… so there is power in the word yet. “I don’t get it” becomes "I don't get it, yet" How different does this sound?
What makes you happy?
Part of my mission is to help you feel "happy" - so what is it that makes people happy... or not? Why are some people naturally inclined towards happiness and joy, whilst others wallow and claim to rarely feel happy?
How does stress impact your health? Here's the biology that explains the stress response...
Stress has a massive impact on your health… That’s why it’s so important to take a moment every day to relax, breathe, chill and focus on something other than our highly intense jobs, lives and busy-ness.
How do you respond to BIG emotions? Here's the problem with "dealing" with your emotions should we do about them?
What do you do with your emotions? Deny them? Sweep them under the carpet? A little side step? Or do you face them head on, feel them, process them and then move on?
Mental rehearsal – what is it and why should we use it for peak performance?
Mental rehearsal is well researched and documented, particularly in the sports arena. Many elite athletes mentally rehearse everything they do before a competition... Unfortunately, most of us have learnt to use mental rehearsal to practice the exact behaviours that we would rather avoid.
6 top tips for a fabulous year
Here's my top six tips for a fabulous year... learn about happiness, failure, responsibility, focus and more...
Six painfully obvious truths that we sometimes forget
In this blog post I explore six truths that are so important for living happy and free...
Five things to NEVER say or do in front of your daughters…
Our relationship with food can be impacted by so many things - what someone says, what someone does, something you read... girls can be the worst...