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What makes you happy?
Part of my mission is to help you feel "happy" - so what is it that makes people happy... or not? Why are some people naturally inclined towards happiness and joy, whilst others wallow and claim to rarely feel happy?
How does stress impact your health? Here's the biology that explains the stress response...
Stress has a massive impact on your health… That’s why it’s so important to take a moment every day to relax, breathe, chill and focus on something other than our highly intense jobs, lives and busy-ness.
Mental rehearsal – what is it and why should we use it for peak performance?
Mental rehearsal is well researched and documented, particularly in the sports arena. Many elite athletes mentally rehearse everything they do before a competition... Unfortunately, most of us have learnt to use mental rehearsal to practice the exact behaviours that we would rather avoid.
5 warning signs you need a digital detox & what to do about it
We were on holiday last week in a gorgeous resort where the people watching was incredible. We were in the beautiful Spanish country-side with so much beauty all around us, yet so many people were addicted to their screens...